Scheduled special issues

The following special issues are scheduled for publication in GMD:


28 May 2024–31 May 2025 | GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Ludovic Räss (University of Lausanne, Switzerland), Boris Kaus (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany), and Mauro Cacace (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany) | Information
03 May 2024–31 Dec 2030 | GMD topic editors | Coordinators: John Dunne (NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, United States), Helene Hewitt (Met Office, United Kingdom), and Eleanor O'Rourke (WCRP-CMIP International Project Office, United Kingdom) | Information
11 Mar 2024–31 Mar 2029 | GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Vaishali Naik (NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, United States), Paul Durack (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States), and Eleanor O'Rourke (WCRP-CMIP International Project Office, United Kingdom) | Information
The global hydrological model WaterGAP (GMD/NHESS inter-journal SI)
12 Feb 2024–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Petra Döll (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany), Hannes Müller Schmied (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany), and Martina Flörke (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany) | Information
01 Jan 2024–01 Jan 2026 | GMD topic editors | Coordinators: James Anstey (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada) and Chaim Garfinkel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) | Information


10 Nov 2023–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Ashu Dastoor (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada), Helene Angot (CNRS/Grenoble Alpes University, France), Aryeh Feinberg (Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Terry Keating (United States Environmental Protection Agency, USA), Oleg Travnikov (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia), and Yanxu Zhang (Nanjing University, China) | Information
25 Sep 2023–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Gunilla Svensson (Stockholm University, Sweden), Matthew D. Shupe (University of Colorado Colorado Springs, United States), and Felix Pithan (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany) | Information
02 Aug 2023–30 Apr 2025 | GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Francisco de Melo Viríssimo, Irina Tezaur, Eviatar Bach, and David Stainforth | Information
01 Mar 2023–30 Nov 2024 | GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Owen R. Cooper and Martin G. Schultz | Information
01 Jan 2023–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Charles Stock | Information
01 Jan 2023–31 Dec 2025 | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Yang Zhang | Information


24 Mar 2022–31 Dec 2024 | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Leena Järvi | Information


22 Feb 2021–31 Jan 2025 | GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Silke Troemel | Information


06 Oct 2020–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Laurent Ailleres | Information
01 Sep 2020–31 Aug 2025 | GMD topic editors (see editorial board webpage) | Information


30 Oct 2019–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Christoph Müller | Information
22 May 2019–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Christoph Müller | Information
22 May 2019–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Rachel Law | Information
10 May 2019–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Rolf Sander | Information
20 Feb 2019–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: David Ham | Information


14 Dec 2018–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: A. J. Wiltshire | Information
01 Oct 2018–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: N.C. Swart | Information


15 Feb 2017–indefinite | GMD topic editors | S. Khatiwala | Information


25 Oct 2016–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: I. Pisso | Information
19 Oct 2016–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: K. Williams | Information


01 Feb 2015–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: G. P. Petropoulos | Information
01 Jan 2015–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: R. Dunlap | Information


20 Nov 2013–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: D. N. Walters | Information
15 Nov 2013–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: P. Oddo | Information
01 Jan 2013–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: D. M. Roche | Information


09 Aug 2012–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinators: M. Bentsen and M. Schulz | Information


10 Oct 2011–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: S. M. Easterbrook | Information
15 Sep 2011–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: G. A. Schmidt | Information
24 Jun 2011–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: S. J. Phipps | Information
27 Jan 2011–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: P. Le Moigne | Information


28 Jul 2008–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: R. S. Smith | Information


The Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) (ACP/GMD inter-journal SI)
15 Sep 2005–indefinite | GMD topic editors | Coordinator: P. Jöckel | Information